

After seeing the monstrosities of war first-hand, Vietnam War veteran, Brazzie began using when serving in Vietnam. When he returned home to the United States, his addiction snowballed and worsened when he lost both of his parents, as well as his sister, in the span of three years. Without any family to turn to at the age of 21, Brazzie ended up homeless and enrolled in Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans (DCHV).

When at DCHV, he was connected with a representative from Community Service Alliance who got him moved into Procop House the same day. While living at Procop House, Brazzie got the support, resources, and stability he needed to create a new life and push forward.

Armed with confidence and new life skills like budgeting and cooking, Brazzie was able to move out of Procop House after 28 months. Since that time, he’s moved into his own place, gotten married, and made it his life’s mission to help others.

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Calvin has been a resident with CSA since January 2017, living first at Procop House and then moving on to a longer-term transitional setting at Sandy’s House. Immediately upon his arrival at CSA, Calvin demonstrated a consistent willingness to put his life back together in every way. He jumped right in with Tom Cullinan, our […]

Meet Calvin


As a Cleveland native, James frequented Browns, Cavaliers, and Indians games growing up. No matter where life took him, James always found his way back to Cleveland. After meeting a couple of boys at the local YMCA, James started running the streets and became a father at a young age. James struggled with alcohol and […]

Meet James