Homelessness is a community issue.

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Did you know?


Of homeless individuals have a mental illness or substance abuse disorder.


Of homeless individuals have a disability of some kind.


Of homeless individuals experience chronic homelessness.


Of homeless individuals are veterans.

What We Do

Fostering independence on a foundation of trust through housing, jobs, and personal and faith development.

gentleman unlocking his front door to his house

Supportive Housing Services

Our sober-living facilities help men get back on their feet by providing short-term housing and preparing participants for independent living.

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gentleman sitting on stairs smiling and on his phone

Work Experience & Career Development

Our network of business partners allows us to offer our program participants access to employment opportunities, work experience, and on-the-job-training.

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group of people sitting at a table having a conversation

Personal Support & Development

Community Service Alliance fosters healthy relationships and community building through intentional interaction with our staff, each other, group volunteering, and Christian mentoring.

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Get Involved

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& help CSA Residents.

Community Service Alliance relies on the continued generosity of individuals, organizations and businesses alike. There are many ways to support our programs and services.
back view of people sitting on a bus

No matter the amount, your donation makes a big difference.

little boy sitting at his lemonade stand

Do something creative and exciting to raise money for local homelessness.

close up of homeless man smiling

Why Homelessness?

Homelessness is a pervasive problem in Cuyahoga County — about 23,000 people experience homelessness every year. Learn how affordable housing and behavioral programs can improve health, empower local men, and reunite families.

Get Informed
close up of a gentleman smiling

Find out how access to sober-living facilities and personal development programs are changing lives.

Read Stories
family and friends celebrating gentlemans birthday

Ask family & friends for pledges instead of gifts on your birthday.

Pledge Birthday
five gentleman smiling for portrait

Help us create change on a larger scale by joining our monthly giving program.

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Describing the places I’ve stayed – a chaotic atmosphere that doesn’t give one a moment to think quietly – a lack of personal space. At CSA I had the personal space to focus on healing.


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Harry Davis basketball portraits


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