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But I’m too young. What can I do?

Here at Community Service Alliance, we are firm believers that you can make a difference no matter how old you are. Whether you’re 7 or 75, all you need is a big heart and the passion to learn and help. We’re on a mission to build a sustainable community for transformation and it all starts with a generation who believes in a better world.
It starts with you and we believe in you.

More than 23,000 people experience
homelessness in Cuyahoga County each year.

That is a really big number for one county, think about it this way…


There are approximately 30 kids in a typical classroom. Picture a classroom, filled with 30 kids. Got it? Great!

five classroom symbol

Ok, now image 5 full classrooms, thats about 150 people. Almost an entire middle school, right?

classroom symbol

Now multiple that by 150. That's how many people experience homelessness in Cuyahoga County each year.

Why Homelessness

When someone committed to their own transformation doesn’t have access to a safe space, it can been chaotic, uncomfortable, and dangerous.

Learn More

Learn directly from others who have succeeded.

What can you do?

From spreading awareness about homelessness in Cuyahoga County to running creative fundraising campaigns, you can make a difference in the lives of people just like you. Be brave, get creative and help others in need.

Start a Fundraiser

Help spread the word about Community Service Alliance’s mission by giving a presentation to your family, friends, or classmates about what life is like for people that don’t have access to safe spaces.

Download Presentation

Do Strides for Safe Space Walk

Thousands of people around the world walk hours every day to find to find a place to rest and call home.

This takes up time they could be spending at work, school or even time with family

By doing a Strides for Safe Space event, you can help others experience what it’s like to walk just a fraction of this distance while carrying a 40 pound backpack and two bags of goods, representing what a typical day might feel like and raise money for CSA at the same time.

Download the Kit

Other Ways to Give

Sponsor an entire home or school with a gift of $10,000 or more
to transform the lives of families or students like yours.

learn more